Sunday, April 7, 2013


Well, it's time to admit it to myself and the world. My inner fat girl in running out of room and has officially taken up residence on the outside. As I push closer and closer to 30, I can physically feel my metabolism slowing down. Like the painfully loud grinding of an aging carnival ride, my gears are smoking as they struggle to continue to support my admittedly inactive lifestyle. But I can't blame the extra 20 pounds on my metabolism (or even my inherent laziness) alone. In this super-sized, deep-fried, fast-food filled world I have become weak. I eat out constantly. I care nothing about calories, fat content or serving size. Hunger has little to do with my food consumption these days and everything to do with caving to every sugary, salty, fatty craving that comes my way. Oh, denial has been a good friend of mine. The inches have been creeping up slowly over the past years, so it's become easy to ignore a pound here and there. And I tell myself I've "tried everything" to get in shape and lose weight. Balderdash, self! I've tried. But not very hard. Years and years of zero will power make for a difficult road. Control over food is not something I have. If it tastes good, I want it. Period. If I try to deny myself the good stuff, I last about a week and lose it and binge on chicken tikka masala. I've always said, if someone were to just GIVE me the food I needed to eat, then I might be able to make it work. No recipies. No counting calories. Definitely no point counting. Like dieting isn't hard enough, there should not be math involved, too. That's just cruel. Well guess what, such a thing does exist and it's been staring at me in the face. I've always been skeptical about weight loss programs, pills, diets, sprinkles and all the other gimmicks. However, I have personally known people (people whose will-power struggles equal mine!) who have had success through a food delivery program called Medifast. It's been tried and true for loved ones, and it is exactly what I've always asked for in a weight loss plan. Here. Eat this. Lose weight. The end.

The time for ignoring is over. The time for excuses is done. It is time for a change. Let's get Medi-fasting!

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