Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 10!

It's been over a week and I'm still going strong!

Everyone was right, it DOES get easier! I decided not to write about every day of this journey, partially because I've been a bitch on wheels for this first week. That is what starvation and deprivation will do to you, I guess. 

I've gotten more used to the food, for the most part, and actually look forward to many of the items throughout the day. (macaroni and cheese, still an epic fail. Ugh seriously I need to return the unopened box.) I think I've gotten used to the food schedule. Instead of counting the minutes between eating, I can pretty much just wait till I'm hungry again and it winds up being just about right (2-3 hours) which is important because all that good stuff (protein, vitamins etc) need to be evenly distributed during the day. 

I'm getting a little bored with what I've come up with for my lean and green dinners. There are only so many configurations of chicken and veggies before it all becomes about the same. Of course I get some condiments and healthy fats to make it more interesting, but I pretty much save those for milk in my coffee. Tonight I was so exhausted, I got takeout from Chilis - but didn't cheat! Their lighter portions 6oz sirloin is rubbed with carne asada seasoning and comes with plain steamed broccoli and topped with tomatoes and jalapenos. YUMMY and less than 300 calories, only 7g fat and 12g carbs, which is right in the O.K. zone for lean and green status. I got double broccoli so as not to have to do ANYTHING when I got home, not even open a bag of spinach (yup, that's how tired and lazy I was) and it was totally worth it. Cravings are INTENSE. Everywhere I go, there seems to be something delicious that makes me want to cry. My work schedule doesn't help much with that particular problem. After getting out around lunch time, I have to find things to waste time and keep me from wanting to mindlessly snack. I've made several Target trips and spend a lot of time tucked in on the sofa with a cup of tea to keep me occupied.  

The good news? I can feel it working! My jeans are a tad less snug, my stomach looks a few months less pregnant, and if you believe the scale, I'm down about 7 pounds. It's not much, and it's not yet dramatic, but I can feel a slight change which is encouraging. I honestly think this is the first time I've lost any amount of weight since I had food poisoning in college. It truly gives me hope and makes me want to stay on track. Si se puede!

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