Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 1...

...and I am STARVING. Someone told me that through this diet, you will learn just how much mindless eating you do. I know it's only day 1, but I've already had the urge to eat between meals like a dozen times. Everything from my Easter basket to food commercials have me physically drooling. On a normal day, I would have caved to every single one of those cravings! I've been told the starvation phase will go away at some point, as my body gets used to the limited caloric intake and the inability to stuff my face with Cadbury creme eggs and my mind stops going FEED ME FEED ME FEED ME!!! Oh please let it be soon!
On to the food!
So, the way Medifast works is a 5&1 program. You eat 5 Medifast "meals" a day and then cook 1 'lean and green' meal for yourself. All of the Medifast choices are just about equal as far as calories, protein etc are concerned. If you feel like having the chili for breakfast and the pancakes for lunch - go for it! As for the 'lean and green' meal, it's basically exactly how it sounds. You make a small portion of lean protein (5-7oz depending on the protein choice) with 3 servings of greens low on the glycemic index scale (about 1.5 cups total of various choices) and within that meal, you're allowed 1-3 'servings' of a healthy fat (things like olive oil, a small amount of margarine etc) All of the details are outlined in the manual, and while it sounds a little complicated, it's actually pretty simple. I have a feeling in a few days I'll kill for a carb, but whatever.

On to day 1 food!

8:30am - Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Cereal - pretty tasty! Kind of like a puffy cheerios, very dry since I couldn't add milk (you can actually have a little soy/almond milk at some point, but I'm saving that for my coffee!)

11:00 - Fruit and Nut Bar - yummy! Nice and crispy and sweet but not too much, and pretty filling, since it lasted me without hunger till the next meal. Definitely had a hint of the diet/good for you flavor to the aftertaste, but not terrible.
Coffee!!! Just plain ole coffee with a splash of milk and a sprinkle (ok, a BIG sprinkle) of cinnamon. Coming from someone who uses a fairly substantial amount of cream and sugar, this is actually a big deal for me!

2:00 Macaroni and Cheese - oh dear, I think I made a horrible mistake by ordering two boxes of the stuff. Ugh. I added a little pepper and some garlic, and it was still icky. I think, next time if I use a little less water it'll help the consistency, but oh man.

4:00 - Dutch Chocolate Shake - Mixed it up with ice in the blender bottle. Not terrible, pretty tasty and chocolatey. I support it!

7:00 - Lean and Green Dinner! Grilled chicken breast with garlic and pepper, with asparagus and spinach. Nice and plain, and nothing I haven't had a million times, but holy hell it was the best little chicken breast I have ever had in my life. I feel like I'll be saying that about every piece of fish, chicken, beef (yes, I'm allowed to have a little beef sometimes!) and egg white I have for the next month because it's REAL food!

8:30 - Brownie - Actually pretty good. You know when you accidentally buy the fat free, sugar free brownie mix? Yup, tastes just like that. But filled me up immediately, and I was already starving again! (Guess I didn't eat quite enough chicken at dinner...) You're supposed to have the last Medifast meal like 2 hours before bed, so I just decided to claim that meal as dessert. I picked a few options for the month that could work for dessert options.

Tomorrow will be easier...right? Honestly, I was pretty much counting the minutes between meals and was starving half the day! I truly hope this works the way everyone says it does. I just need that jump start to make me feel like it IS possible to get to my goal weight and feel comfortable and happy with myself. ONWARD!

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